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Webinar on Female Diseases

Webinar on Female Diseases

The postgraduate and research department of Union Christian College, Aluva in association with the Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal, organized a webinar on “Female Diseases” on 30 October, 2021. The lecture was delivered by Dr. Kavitha P., Assistant Physician, Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal and the program was coordinated by Dr. Neethumol Varghese, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Union Christian College, Aluva.

Women’s health should be prioritized for the entire nation. The health crisis that women face is unfathomable. Because of lifestyle decisions and ignorance, women’s health conditions have recently taken a leap. Women deal with more health issues than men. Dr. Kavitha has covered almost all diseases that women face due to ignorance and carelessness and also pointed out the importance of women’s health. Women have a unique set of healthcare challenges and are at higher risk of developing certain conditions and diseases than men. The leading causes of death for women include heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, all of which could potentially be treated or prevented if identified early enough. Students became more conscious about their health and they found the webinar an informative session.



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